Hear Keisha Williams
Hear Tasheema Adams Squire
Say what you want about working from home. It is the best thing happening for anyone looking for some extra cash. I work part time at home and I love the ability of not having to fight evening traffic to get to another job. I just go straight home. The company that I am contracted through now, Ultimate Reflection Services LLC, is great. I get all of my important updates about Arise and my client Staples, the boss keeps in touch with her employees and most importantly, she is not in the businesses necessarily to make a profit as a business owner, but to be able to help those who want more in life just like she does. Owned and operated by Mil Ivory, URS is one of many independent business owners under Arise who contract client support professionals to work from home for companies such as AT&T, T-Mobile, Staples, and Carnival Cruise Lines, just to name a few. You will incur some start up fees from working at home, but at the end of it, you will recoup that plus some!! If you are looking for a full or part time work at home job where you can set your own hours, be your own boss, and earn plenty of $$ you definitely want to join the URS team!!
Hey my name is Tasheema Squire. I started with Ultimate Reflection Services at the beginning of the year because I wanted to make some extra money , and what better way to do that than in the comfort of your own home! The process of getting started was easy. The Arise portal walked me through step by step so I was always aware of my progress. My IBO (Mil Ivory) was always available and was very helpful! I would recommend anyone looking to work from home to talk to Mil Ivory with Ultimate Reflection Services. She is very motivating,straight forward and helpful. When you are working for Ultimate Reflection Services, you have no choice but to succeed !
Hear Letta Pulley
Hear LaTonya Nichols
Statement. ..."I'm a woman with a disability, who finds it hard to get work, Ultimate Reflections Services gave me the opportunity to become a member of the working-class again!
Hi I'm Letta Pulley.Single mother of three one of which is a premi. I needed a way to earn money that wouldn't require a lot of time away from my kids and would allow me to work around my sons medical schedule. I heard about the opportunity with Ultimate Reflection Services through Facebook. It sounded interesting so I contacted Mil for more information. After speaking to her I was sure this was something I wanted to do, so I began the admissions process. Mil has been a very supportive IBO! I would recommend anyone looking to work from home to Ultimate Reflection Services based on my experience with the IBO Mil Ivory.